Going back to the kitchen – Updates on our 2 week challenge!

Yoo-hoo! We have successfully completed our 2 week challenge. As you know, we decided to do four challenges – Go Vegan, Stop ordering food, No Coca-Cola and Lays products, and become more aware consumers.

Over the last two weeks, we have been completely Vegan. We did not buy any meat or dairy products. Since, we both enjoy occasional “chai time”, we switched to Soy Milk. We didn’t order any food online and we even deleted all the food delivery applications. It wasn’t a big challenge for us to not consume any Coca-Cola and Lays product, but this helped us to try out other options for soda drinks. Lastly, we have become more aware consumers in the last 2 weeks, we spend time reading and getting to know what we are eating or using.

We realized that out of these 4 challenges, the most challenging one was to “Stop Ordering Food Online”. Since, we have gotten used to the lifestyle of not spending a lot of time cooking at home, it was challenging for us to start preparing all our meals. At times, we just didn’t want to cook for 30 minutes to an hour. However, we kept going and we divided it among ourselves by taking turns to prepare meals. This definitely helped us to experiment more in the kitchen and we even came up with few of our own recipes.

1. Vegan Ladoos

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2. Wraps with Black Chickpeas Hummus

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3. Amaranth Patties

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4. Black Chickpeas Parathas

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If something seems tempting to you, don’t hesitate to write to us and we will share our recipes.

– Katja and Yash